wdhqfndjka" Tn ish¿ fokdgu' wm w;r isgk fndfyduhla msßilg ;sfnk m%YaKhlg ms<s;=r f,i fuu uDÿldx.h Tng bÈßm;a lsÍug is;=fjñ' fuu uDÿldx.h fkdñf,a ,nd.; yels uDÿldx.hla ùu ;j;a tla ùfYaI;ajhls' fuu uDÿldx. Ndú;h u.ska Tn Ndú; lrk fufyhqï moaO;sh ;=, isáñka Tfí oDv;eáh mdáIka lsÍfï yelshdj Tng ,efnk we;' fuh wdodrfha Tfí mdáIka tll ;sfnk o;a; j,g lsisÿ ydkshla fkdue;sh ;j;a mdáIka tlla fjklr .ekSug fyda ;sfnk mdáIka tlg ;j;a bvla tl;= lsÍfï yelshdj ,efnkjd' Tn fufyhqï moaO;sh ia:dmk lr we;s mdáIka tflys mjd bv m%udKh jeä lr.ekSug mq¿jk' Bg wu;rj ;j;a fndfyduhla myiqlï fuu uDÿldx.h u.ska Tng ,efnkq we;'
fuu uDÿldx.h m%Odk jYfhka fldgia ;=klska iukaú;hs' Partition Manager" Disk & Partition Copy Wizard" Partition Recovery Wizard hkqfjka kï lrkafk tl fldgia ;%s;ajhhs' fuu ;%s;ajh u.ska úúo myiqlï wmg i,id fokjd' Thd,g mq¿jka ta myiqlï fu;kska n,d.kak
Partition Manager
- Resize$Move partitions to avoid data loss" like extending NTFS system partition without reboot to maximize PC performance'
- Hot` Safely merge two adjacent partitions into a bigger one without data loss'
- Create multiple)partitions" delete partition" or directly delete all partitions'
- Hot` Wipe data on unallocated space'
- Wipe disk or wipe partition to permanently wipe sensitive data on disk'
- Convert dynamic disk to basic disk and Convert FAT to NTFS file system'
- Convert primary partition to logical partition and vice versa• convert a primary volume to logical to create a fifth volume on a disk with 4 existed primary volumes'
- Speed up your computer by defragmentation'
- Disk surface test to check and find bad sectors and rebuild MBR to boot system again'
- Linux partition management• delete" create" format" recover EXT2$EXT3 partition" etc'
- Support all hardware RAID" multiple removable storage device" hard disk and GPT disk support up to 2TB partition on MBR and 4TB partition on GPT&'
- Support under Windows 2000,XP,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 -32 bit & 64 bit
Disk & Partition Copy Wizard
- Copy partition with fast file)by)file copy to protect your data'
- Copy entire hard disk to another without Windows system reinstallation'
- Hot` Upgrade system disk to a bigger one with one click'
- Safely copy dynamic volume to basic disk and resize the basic disk" etc'
- Support GPT disk$partition copy'
Partition Recovery Wizard
- Recover deleted or lost partitions
- Recover lost partitions after repartitioned hard drive
fï wdldrg fuu.ska ;sfnk m%fhdack Tng oel.ekSug mq¿jks' fuh fkdñf,a ,ndfok uDoDldx.hls' ta ksidfjka ;j ;j;a myiqfõú' l%la fyda iSßh,a fidhd fidhd weù§ug wjYH fkdue;s ksid' my;ska fuh Download lrf.k Install lrf.k" fuu w;aoelSu Tng;a úÈkak mq¿jka''
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